OGFA currently focuses on establishing logistical and programmatic support to promote student exchanges between North America and Japan; facilitate faculty and staff exchanges; encourage cultural and artistic exchanges; establish networks for mutual dialogues on global issues; implement opportunities for social action projects, internships, and experiential learning; and create a network of university alumni in North America. OGFA also expects to expand programming to support other Pacific Rim educational institutions.
Long-Term Reconnaissance Japan (RJ) 長期
Reconnaissance Japan (RJ) provides opportunities for students to study intensive Japanese as well as academic content courses taught in English or Chinese while living in Japan. What makes RJ unique is the degree of integration between the international students and the local Japanese students — in groups, in class, in extracurricular activities, in the residence halls, in the academic content classes, and in community outreach projects.
Application for OGFA Scholarship for Study Aboard - Google Form
OGFA offers merit/need based scholarships toward tuition for students studying at JFOU or at one of JFOU's partner universities. Students interested in a scholarship need to fill out the application form (link above) and submit two recommendations as well as financial documentation. The deadlines for submitting the scholarship application documentation for each semester are below.
Spring Semester: November 1
Summer Sessions: April 1
Fall Semester: May 1
Winter Session: November 1
Program content is focused on Japanese language, culture and liberal arts. Outreach programs vary each semester. Programs are 5 months. Classes are taken for credit which can be transferred.
Program Location:
J. F. Oberlin University main campus in Machida, a suburb of Tokyo. Link to university web site obirin.ac.jp
Program Dates:
April to August; September to January. Students who need to return to their home institution for classes in January can petition to take exams early and return home at the end of December if their class attendance is almost perfect.
Most students are housed in the International Residence Hall.
Tuition: Fall Semester (September-January) ¥430,000
Spring Semester (April-August) ¥430,000
Student Service Fee: ¥20,000
*Students on direct exchange: Tuition is waived.
*Fee paying students from partner universities may apply for an OGFA scholarship. Awards are based on need and merit.
Fuchinobe International House (for Japanese and International Students):
Studio Rent: ¥55,000/month
One-time fees: ¥33,900 (cleaning, bedding, liability insurance)
Entry Fee: ¥50,000 (includes liability insurance)
Administration Fee: ¥10,000
Free shuttle bus
No meals – budget ¥30,500 -¥50,000 per month
Cable Internet connection included
Other Expenses:
National Health Insurance: ¥17,000/year (covers approximately 70% of most medical and dental expenses incurred in Japan)
Who can Apply:
Students in good standing at their home institution with a minimum GPA of 2.8. Preference is given to students from partner universities.
How to Apply:
Study Abroad Advisor nominates students. (Links go live on open date)
Spring Online Nomination Form opens August 31
Fall Online Nomination Form opens March 31
Student fills out online application. (Links go live on open date)
Spring Online Application Form opens August 31
Fall Online Application Form opens March 31
Application Deadlines:
May 1 for fall semester, November 1 for spring semester
International students enjoy a cultural event.
Aerial view of Tokyo Tower in city against sky on sunny day, Tokyo, Japan. Photo by Marc Volk.
Participant Reflection:
“I think J. F. Oberlin is a great school. Everyone is really positive and nice, and I feel like there are a lot of opportunities to meet new people here. The staff at school is really helpful and especially the folks in the Office of International Programs think more about us than in most ryugakusei programs I’ve heard about in Japan. They organize trips, matsuri and more. They just generally help us with everything we need.”
“The dorms are awesome and fun once you meet people. Meimeikan is the place to be to find and talk to new people at school. I would recommend joining a club to make friends, too. I joined the Judo Club because it is a lot of fun and a way to practice my Japanese. Other friends joined the Tea Ceremony Club, the Hip-Hop Dance Club, the Photography Club . . . . there are so many clubs to choose to hang out with the local students.”