About Us 財団について
Our Board is committed to expanding opportunities for exchange throughout the Pacific Rim, starting with North America and Japan and then expanding our activities to contribute to greater peace and mutual understanding throughout the region.
Our Board of Directors 理事会
Hiroaki "Henri" Hatayama, OGFA Board Chair
Hiroaki ‘Henri’ Hatayama 畑山 浩昭
Henri is the OGFA Board Chair and Executive Committee Member. He is President of J.F. Oberlin University, a member of the J.F. Oberlin Board of Directors, and Professor of Rhetoric. Born in Japan and educated in Japan and the U.S., he seeks to provide youth with the same opportunities to become globally conscious that he himself enjoyed.
OGFA理事会議長及び、常務委員会メンバー。桜美林大学学長、桜美林学園理事、大学院教授 (レトリック学)。日本で生まれ、日本と米国で教育を受ける。青年達にグローバルな視野を持つ国際人になるための機会の提供を続けている。
James Williams, OGFA Vice Chair and Co-Chair of the Program Committee
James Williams ジェームス ウィリアムズ
Jim is OGFA’s Vice Chair and the co-Chair of the Program Committee. He is a professor of international education at George Washington University, who has worked closely with developing countries to improve educational services to citizens. Born and educated in the US, he is especially committed to the Pacific Rim, especially Japan. In the 1980s he was one of three pillars who created the Intensive English Program at J. F. Oberlin.
プログラム委員会共同議長。 ジョージ ワシントン大学、国際教育准教授。発展途上国における教育サービス向上のために尽力してきた。米国に生まれ教育を受け、環太平洋地域(特に日本)に献身する。1980年代には、桜美林大学における集中英語プログラムを作成した3本柱の1人。
Norma Fogelberg, CFO and Chair of the Governance Committee
Norma Fogelberg
Norma is one of the founding Board Members and is currently OGFA’s Chief Financial Officer. She is a Transformational Strategist with over 30 years of for profit and nonprofit experience working in Japan and throughout the Pacific Rim. Norma has worked with over 50 nonprofit organizations throughout the globe and brings her expertise in Board Governance, Strategic Planning, and Board Development to OGFA. Norma taught for ten years at the University of California, Berkeley; served on the UCB, Advisory Board; and has participated in University Symposiums in India, England, Japan, and Canada. Her commitment to promoting global education and social awareness opportunities for all students runs deep. Born in the US, she is the first to admit she would love to make Japan her home.
Careen Shannon, OGFA’s Secretary, a member of the Executive and Governance Committees and Chair of both the Audit and Scholarship Committees.
Careen Shannon キャリーン シャノン
Careen is the Board Secretary and a member of the Executive, Audit (Chair), Governance and Scholarship (Chair) Committees. She is a Partner in the international law firm, Fragomen Worldwide, which is the world’s largest provider of global immigration services. Born and educated in the U.S., she has a longstanding commitment to international educational and cultural exchange, having spent a high school year in Denmark as an AFS exchange student, and a college semester abroad in France. In the 1980s, she was the first Oberlin Shansi Fellow at J. F. Oberlin University in Japan.
OGFA理事副議長、常務、監査、ガバナンス、スカラーシップ委員。移民管理サービスの提供者としては世界最大の国際法律事務所(Fragomen Worldwide)のパートナーである。米国に生まれ教育を受け、高校時にAFS交換留学生としてデンマークに留学、大学時にはフランスに学期留学するなど、長年にわたり国際教育と文化交流に献身している。1980年代には、桜美林大学初のオバリンシャンシフェローとして日本に赴任した。
Yoshiro Tanoka, OGFA Board Member-at-Large and co-Chair of the Program Committee
Yoshiro Tanaka 田中義郎
Yoshi is an OGFA Board Member-at-Large and co-Chair of the Program Committee. He is the executive trustee for academic affairs and research, provost and executive vice president for graduate education and research, and a professor of comparative and international higher education. Born in Japan and educated in the U.S. and Japan, Yoshi has initiated many international programs and projects and has been involved in the Academic Impact Project for the United Nations.
Executive Staff スタッフ
Based in Seattle and California, our staff creates and executes creative opportunities for cross-cultural learning and social exchanges.
Mari Maruyama, OGFA Executive Director
Mari Maruyama: マリ丸山
Mari is OGFA’s executive director located near Seattle, Washington. Born and educated in the US, she was an international exchange student in Japan, experienced living with host families in Europe and Asia as well as served as a host family to high school exchange students. She has been committed to pre-collegiate and adult exchange between the Pacific Rim, especially Japan, and the U.S. for most of her adult life. Prior to becoming executive director, Ms. Maruyama served as Vice President of Japan and Short Term Programs at the Laurasian Institution. She has volunteered as program chair of the Seattle Kobe sister city jazz exchange program for nearly sixteen years.
ワシントン州、シアトル近郊にて勤務するOGFA事務局長。米国に生まれ教育を受ける。 交換留学生としてヨーロッパ、アジアのホストファミリーとの生活を経験し、また自らホストファミリーとして高校生受け入れの経験を持つ。長年の間、環太平洋地域、特に日本と米国間の高校までの学生、そして社会人の交換、交流のために従事してきた。OGFA事務局長着任前には、ローラシアン協会において、日本と短期プログラムの副会長を務めた。また約16年に渡り、シアトル神戸姉妹都市ジャズ交換プログラムのボランティア・プログラム委員長としても奉仕している。
Eri Nakamura
Eri Nakamura: 中村衣里
Eri is in charge of student and alumni services out of Los Angeles. Born in Japan and educated in Japan and the U.S., she has enjoyed living, traveling and working in both countries. She seeks to provide opportunities for students to explore learning and experiencing global cooperation and intercultural friendships to make lifetime memories.
在学生及び、同窓生サービス、ロサンゼルスでのオペレーション担当。 日本で生まれ、日本と米国で教育を受ける。 学生達が国際的な相互理解と協力を学び、異文化間の友情を育み、一生涯の経験を生み出せる様、機会の提供を追及する。